from this , it can be assumed that a part of the wa started using characters during the first century . このことからも、倭では既に1世紀には文字の使用が一部では始まっていたことが推定できる。
however , during the ancient period , the words and meanings were so unsophisticated that it was difficult to describe the content when organizing characters and forming a phrase by using characters from abroad . 然れども、上古の時、言意(ことばこころ)並びに朴(すなほ)にして、文を敷き句を構ふること、字におきてすなはち難し。
a well-known emperor was sorry about kyuji (a record of stories currently at court ) that were incorrect , and attempted to correct pre-existing documents . on september 18 , 711 , the emperor ordered his subject , yasumaro to present the kyuji that was selected and recorded immediately after the emperor settled in omiya , kiyohara in asuka , to the extent that hieda no are could recite , and yasumaro happily followed the emperor ' s words , thoroughly picking up kyuji . however , during the ancient period , the words and meanings were so unsophisticated that it was difficult to describe the content when organizing characters and forming a phrase by using characters from abroad . …(於焉惜舊辭之誤忤 正先紀之謬錯 以和銅四年九月十八日 詔臣安萬侶 撰録稗田阿禮所誦之勅語舊辭 以獻上者 謹隨詔旨 子細採摭然、上古之時 言意並朴 敷文構句 於字即難)